The background and goals of the study should appear clearly to the reader. Results must contain data and the conclusion should be clearly expressed. The following structure will be required:
The International Advisor Committee reserves the right to decide on the final allocation and presentation method.
If several abstracts are based on similar analyses of the same database and one of them is selected for oral presentation, the authors might be asked to combine some/all data into one presentation.
Once accepted for presentation, following information is applicable:
The copyright of all data belongs to authors who give permission to KACA(Korea Air Cleaning Association) for publication in the ASCC 2025 for registered users.
Abstract format:
The title may not exceed 30 words. PLEASE DO NOT USE CAPITAL LETTERS. The abstract text may not be longer than 2pages (excluding title, authors and disclosures).
All abbreviations must be defined the first time they appear in the text (but do not define in the title).
Tables, charts and other graphics (for all in total maximum 1) are permitted and must be in high resolution JPG format.
Authors should indicate their presentation type preference:
Oral presentation preferred
Paper poster presentation